EFSA bee guidance, pesticides, bees, pollinators, Regulation plant protection | BeeSafe

BeeSafe’s consulting services

  1. Consulting during the registration process of veterinary medicinal products (VMP) for bees (like varroa treatments).
  2. Risk assessment of agrochemicals on bees.

Consulting in the registration of VMPs for bees

Terms and conditions

BeeSafe’s consulting services for risk assessment

  • Lab studies show very low toxicity for adult bees, but larvae seem to be more susceptible, with somewhat inconclusive results. BeeSafe will give you advice if it makes more sense to repeat the lab study, perform a feeding study, or if nothing of this is necessary due to an improbable exposure.
  • Your product is applied during the flowering stage and the question comes up if a residue study (honey and wax) is necessary. BeeSafe will evaluate which criteria of when to expect residues are met also in the light of practical beekeeping. This gives you a realistic approach to potential residues and how to perform meaningful studies (crop, timing, etc.)
  • You want to register your product in additional Member States than those you already have the Marketing Authorisation. BeeSafe helps you to bridge already existing data and to plan studies to close data gaps, if necessary.

To find out if your needs and my expertise match, in a first step, we will define the project ahead. BeeSafe will outline the milestones of the project, so that you can decide on which modules you want to address, the timing, and the order of the work. By that, you set the priorities and keep the overview during the process.

The second step is the performance of the work, which will differ depending on your requirements.

Terms and conditions

In this type of project, BeeSafe usually does modular quotes which can be booked individually or as a package. The quote will clearly define the scope of the work. Any additional requests, necessary travel, or field work will be quoted separately.

BeeSafe will carefully evaluate any given projects based on the available information. If the Sponsor does not provide necessary information, BeeSafe does not take any responsibility for differing conclusions resulting from this additional information.

Science Communication

As a special consulting service for bee research projects and non-profit organisations, I also offer science communication services. In addition, I also offer talks, trainings, and courses on bee health.

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