Darwinian beekeeping, Honey bee diseases - Course | BeeSafe

BeeSafe’s Services – where and whom I help

  1. Veterinary medicine
  2. Agriculture
  3. Science Communication
  4. BeeSafe Academy

BeeSafe’s Services in veterinary medicine

Services in agriculture

Also in this case, before starting a project, we’ll have an initial call to see if your needs and my expertise match. Obviously, a NDA will help to speak freely. Finally, you decide if you want to work with BeeSafe.

Science communication

As a special consulting service, BeeSafe does the dissemination activities for (bee) research projects. These are requested by most EU funded projects, including a website, social media activities, etc. This service is also open to associations which are interested in communicating about bee science and aim to train beekeepers, vets, and other stakeholders on bees. Please note that I’m not a copywriter, so it’s all research and educational purposes!

BeeSafe Academy

In between BeeSafe’s services, this one is the newest entry. The BeeSafe Academy is meant for beekeepers, vets and associations to learn about bees, their biology, health, and welfare. It’s meant as a safe space to learn – because you only can save the bees with knowledge.

If you’re interested in BeeSafe’s Services…

… follow the links in the respective areas to get more detailed info. In case of any questions, feel free to contact me.

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