Knowing varroa for better bee health
Knowing varroa is essential to properly manage this parasite. If you learn the basics first, you’ll have less problems on the way.
Knowing varroa is essential to properly manage this parasite. If you learn the basics first, you’ll have less problems on the way.
A red queen for bees? Is that the newest development for varroa resistance or the most productive honey bee colonies
Colony losses have several causes. Management practices may not be the most prominent, but improving them influences other factors. Continuous learning helps with that.
Using social media for bee science is essential for spreading reliable and good information. Also from research projects.
I’ve been talking about bee science since I began my PhD. Actually, I financed it partly with talks and articles.
Travelling for bee health may seem a bit strange. But exchanging experienes and learning new things in the end lead to better results.
Realistic risk assessment on bees – that’s a large claim. But the reviewed bee guidance from EFSA definitely is more realistic than before.
The reviewed EFSA guidance on bees is still not endorsed by the member states. However, the direction for risk assessment on bees is clear.
Registration of varroa treatments can generate some misunderstandings. However, the process is clearly outlined in the EU.
Varroa resistance breeding is often handled like the “solution” against the mite. Why I think this is wrong and even dangerous.